What Nicky Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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Hi, my name’s Nicky. I was born in South Africa and at the age of 18 came to the States for college. I’m a proud mom of two young adult kids and I’ve had a very diverse career path. For a brief time, I played some professional tennis, became a lawyer, middle school school teacher, but I’ve always followed a very entrepr entrepreneurial path. I had a successful construction home construction business. I founded and operated paint and wine studios, and now I am the owner of eight waxing salons. Still, I’ve always tried to find time for things I’m passionate about and love spending time with my family,
traveling, learning languages, lots of sports, and now writing as well. I certainly was not looking for anything else to keep me busy and absolutely not another business concept that I needed to add. However, when I listened to Sophie on Facebook video talk about
experience with products with Amazon, K D P, I really just loved her drive and her ability to create duplicatable systems to build a team and build a business.

And I truly connected with her concept of scalability and fast action. And I saw her per course as a very prudent way to start in a new industry, specifically something I knew nothing about. My six months was a whirlwind with my Amazon journey. I have 25 books out there now. Everything from low content journals, 13 Homework Planners, a
series of five kids work, learn to write workbooks, some journals, and then nonfiction books include things on adoption, sustainable travel, deviled, eggs around the world, the history of the Olympics. And I found for all of these from the very start of the course, the abundance of tools of the trade that she had out there, from guidelines to roadmaps, to templates from weekly videos from the one-on-one coaching I had with my amazing coach, Nick, really let me get started quickly. My biggest takeaway is save time now, start the course, learn from other people’s mistake. It’s a great investment if you do it that way. And Sophie’s course really shed light on a lot of other things in my personal life, really how to leverage time, focus on the things that you do well, delegate the other things and you’ll be successful. So it is Sophie and her team. Thank you.

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