What Azizi Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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Hi, my name is Azizi and I am a full-time mother and homeschooling parent. I was looking for a business that is aligned with my family vision and values. One that I could still be fully present. And when I heard about this program and listened in, I could tell that this was a program that wasn’t just telling us what people know, that they’re
actually teaching us what they do and what they do works. Because the people inside of this program teaching us actually have their own book portfolios that they are managing with the sales to match.

And because of that, I have been able to create over 25 books in under six months. I have to tell you; I was extremely intimidated to create one book. I never imagined a huge portfolio in such a short amount of time, but with the clear instruction, I was able to do that and still be 100% present in my home, which is so important. My daughters can see what it takes. What happens when you put in the effort and you have the right amount of support is really actually maximizing our homeschool life because of what I have access to now and what I can even teach my daughters in real time as I am learning, these aren’t just recordings because this business is constantly evolving.

There are weekly q and as weekly masterminds. There are even full day workshops that are keeping us up to date with everything that’s going on in this rapidly evolving business. And it is absolutely working. I’m selling books, not just creating them.
There’s one thing to create them. There’s another to actually have a successful sales portfolio that is growing every day.

And so, if you are wanting to purchase this program, I would say you’re not just purchasing a course for me, it feels like you are purchasing a business team with the strategy, with the blueprint, with the step-by-step instruction and the care, the attention that has been put into this program is just exceptional. So, thank you so much and I’m forever grateful.

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