What Unami Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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Hi, I’m Unami Magwenzi, and I’m a clinical psychologist, a pastor, and an aspiring multimillionaire. I’m from Botswana and live in Western Australia. I heard about the Kindle Publishing Income course through Facebook, and before doing the course, I had recently quit my job in a group private practice to start my own. I try to start business before, Amazon Business, I started writing for KDP, Kindle Direct Publishing. I’d read books, I’d watched YouTube videos, but never got to a place where I knew I would definitely reach my financial freedom goals. So doing the course has given me hope and I have a new level of excitement and drive to make the money.

I find the course very practical. It just makes sense. I’m still doing the course, I haven’t finished, but I would say to anyone thinking of investing in the course, if you are willing to work hard, it’s only a matter of time before the course because, sorry, the course is simple, it makes sense, it’s well thought out, and it will change your life. It will change your confidence. I nearly didn’t buy it. In fact, I confided in a friend and we decided the timing wasn’t right, but something inside of me said, go on. You will regret it if you don’t do this. So I know it’s only a matter of time I will achieve my goals of financial freedom and independence. In fact, I promised another girlfriend that we would go on holiday when I make my first million. I really believe that this course is key.

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