What Suzy Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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I’ve got two minutes. So my name’s Susie, been in many different careers in my life, including a corporate job that failed in Covid. I then had to revert back to one of my old careers, which was making stories in the film industry. So I live in Kenya, I had to go to England. I had to stay 10 days in quarantine, but I then was able to do some work in England, which was able to give me the capability to be able to look for something else. Whilst I was looking, I came across Sophie’s course, and this was only in October, so it’s very recent. As soon as I watched the webinar, I enrolled immediately.

I knew within myself that this was exactly what I’d been looking for. It gives me the capability to be able to travel wherever I want, and I’m a big traveler. It gives me the capability of being able to write stories, of which stories have been part of my life for so many years, and it gives me the capability of being able to stay at home. How perfect is that?

So I’ve started the modules. The module are really easy. The community is fantastic. I have learned so much in the month that I have literally been on this. I don’t have any results yet, but please watch this space because the results are coming, and that is my guarantee. And I think this is just an incredible way to be able to give people, anybody the opportunity to be able to write their stories and put it out to the world. So I urge you, I really urge you. I think it’s a tremendous platform. The community’s great. The backend office is absolutely incredible. There’s such support there. It is absolutely everything that I wanted. So go ahead and get this course.

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