What Skyla Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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Hi, my name is Skylar and I am from Australia. I have been doing Amazon products and selling Amazon products in America, not in Australia. I heard about Sophie’s through a Facebook ad, I believe, and I just impulsively jumped on because we’d been having such a hard time and coming up against so many brick walls with doing the products, just the cost of shipping and the cost of storing everything, the returns, learning about PPC and not being able to get any real hands-on support with it. And we were just really struggling. And then the idea of doing KPI, doing something where there is no physical product and it’s a one-off cost and an outlay for the product, it sounded amazing to me. And not dealing with sourcing agents and manufacturers and all of that nonsense that we had been doing. And I really felt that this was going to be an awesome fit for us.

Yeah, so we jumped onto Sophie’s and we watched it and we’ve just taken it and we’re just running with it. But we have only just started, we haven’t got our first book up yet, so I’m really hoping that in the future it’s going to be fantastic for us and I really see that this is something that we can make work for us. I’m just at the beginning and I would really encourage anybody else, especially if you’re thinking about doing products, to try this first because take it from me, it is hard slog doing the products and this seems to be a much more financially stable way of getting into the market and doing this as a career.

All right, good luck everybody. Bye.

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