What Perry Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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For a while, I was lost looking for the next business, trying to figure out exactly what I was going to do. And then I heard about Kindle Publishing. I saw some of Sophie’s ads and I was talking to my wife about it. And I said, “This sounds pretty interesting.” I’m creative and I like working with teams, distributed teams is even better. And then realizing that business’s location, location, location helps determine your success. Well, Kindle books can be just sold anywhere in the world.

Hi, I’m Perry. So with that, with the big front door, the fact that Amazon has a global Kindle bookstore, you can have customers from anywhere, and then pair that up with a business opportunity that allows you to control your overhead, use distributed on-demand teams, creative people that are passionate about this anywhere in the world that can help you bring your ideas, your books to life. So in conclusion, after taking Sophie’s class, I see the book publishing as more of a business now instead of writing an individual book. So I’m very happy I have stumbled across Sophie’s Kindle Publishing class. I look forward to 2023. Right now, we have three books in pre-production. And I’m excited to be moving forward with this business. So give the Kindle program, give Sophie’s program a good look. I’m sure it’ll be worth your time.

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