What Cassandra Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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Hi, I’m Cass. I’m a fundraising professional living just outside of Sydney, Australia. Sophie’s course has completely changed my life. I stumbled across Sophie’s course about a year ago after feeling really stuck and unmotivated in my job. I was chasing that freedom and that lifestyle we’re all seeking. I wanted to start an online business, but just didn’t know where to begin. There were so many people online promising overnight success, and 10 seconds into hearing Sophie speak, I knew that she was different. I didn’t know anything about the course at that point, but I knew I needed to be part of it, and my gut instinct has paid off tenfold. While the course has all of the practical training to start your Kindle business, there’s also a focus on mindset and getting us into a place where we do have the best possible chance to succeed and take action.

I appreciate how real Sophie is. She’s always upfront about the fact that it does take hard work and the results are ultimately up to us. As Sophie always says, done is so much better than perfect. To say Sophie’s course has completely changed my life doesn’t feel like it does it justice. Inspired and encouraged by Sophie and her team, a few months ago, I decided to quit my job and go all in on my Kindle business. I now have nine books published with many more on the horizon. While I’m only at the beginning of my publishing journey, I’m so glad to have Sophie and her team in my corner, and I’m so excited to see where this Kindle business will take me.

If you’re thinking about joining this course, all I can say is do it. It’s worth the investment. There’s nothing special about me. I don’t have a background in publishing. I just found a course that taught me everything I needed to know, and I took action. If I can do it, you can do it. Not only will you learn everything you need to know about starting your Kindle business, but you’ll also join a community of like-minded people who encourage and support each other. And with the support of Sophie and her team, gain the courage to take the leap that could ultimately change your life.

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