What Anne Catherine Can Say About The Kindle Publishing Income Program

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Hi everyone. I’m Anne Catherine, and I’m a homeschooling mom. I lived near Ottawa, Canada. In 2019, I realized that I was going to need some kind of supplemental income. Because I, along with homeschooling my children, which I’ve been doing for almost 30 years, I also help women understand their fertility through the Billings Ovulation Method. And sometimes that requires me to travel and has expenses. So I looked into how I could be self-sufficient and not have to leave home because I’m with my kids all day long, but still generate an income. And that led me to Sophie Howard’s Blue Sky program. And being a member of her Blue Sky program. I learned about the KPI course. So I want to talk to you about that course. The Kindle Publishing Income course, that Sophie Howard provides is like a step by step module that helps you get from maybe having an idea about having a Kindle book made, to actually producing a Kindle book and getting it up online to sell.

So I took that course thinking, “Okay, I already know what it is to sell products. Maybe I could sell books too. And books like Kindle books don’t have any overhead.” So I ventured in, took the course and I’ve produced a book. And from that, I feel I have so many ideas that are going through my head. I think I have three different series on the goal right now. And I’m even working towards producing a book on fertility, which is really cool because that’s what I work in. So if you’re thinking about it, I would just encourage you to go ahead and try the course. I think you’ll learn a lot regardless of what you think. It’ll be great.

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